


Hey there, I'm Joshua, but most folks call me "Josh." I love diving into the most captivating books and comic books and finding myself lost in the pages of a classic novel or a comic book's panels.

But my interests don't stop at reading. I'm a bona fide cinephile—I can't resist the allure of movies and TV shows, no matter the genre. While "The Lord of the Rings" will always be my go-to and hold a special place in my heart, I'm a fan of many different franchises. From fantasy epics to sci-fi adventures, I'm always up for an exciting journey through the imagination.

In a nutshell, I'm Joshua, but you can call me Josh, and I'm all about embracing my passions with gusto. Whether it's diving into the fantastical, uncovering the obscure, or catching 'em all in the world of Pokémon, I'm on a journey of unapologetic enthusiasm. Let's explore these nerdy realms together!


Michael (H-Train)

Hello there! I am Michael, The H-Train, and co-host here in the Tree Of Geek. I am a Xennial who has planted flags in MI, AZ, and PA, immersing myself in geek culture along the way. I love Star Trek, comics, LOTR, POGO, wrasslin', metal, horror flicks, and the Halloween season. Join us as we explore each nerdy brand of the geek universe!